среда, 30 сентября 2009 г.

Nokia N82 Wins “Best Mobile Imaging Device in Europe” Award 2008

Nokia is the proud conqueror of the TIPA (Technical Fetish Press Association) “Crush Mobile Imaging Ploy In Europe” for 2008. “The Nokia N82 is a smallmultimedia computer that integrates GPS, web, video and music functions circa a 5 Megapixel camera with a principal-speed, f/2.8 autofocus lens,” the TIPA jurors said. “This Carl Zeiss Tessar focuses from 10cm to infinity and produceswatchfully prints up to and beyond A4 proportions. Several scene modes are alsoelbow to optimize the Nokia N82 for eminent images, whether shooting portraits or tenebriousness shots,” TIPA continued. Other Nokia N82 features highlighted by the jurors are the Xenon whistle and 20X digital zoom. The Nokia N82 supports microSD celebration cards of up to 8GB which make allowance the device to hold up to 3600 luxurious-resolution pictures, 5 hours of exalted quality video take hold of, up to 6000 songs or all of the readily obtainable regions for the Nokia Maps request.

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